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Used Car Loan Interest Rate: Apply Now

Best Used Car Loan Interest Rate In Delhi

used car loan in delhi

Buying a used car can be a smart financial decision because it often costs less than a new one. Financing options for used cars include a used car loan that can make purchasing easier. To secure the best deal, it’s important to compare loan terms and the  used car loan interest rate. Properly managing a used car loan can help improve your credit score over time. Getting a good interest rate on a used automobile loan is essential for financial stability, as a low interest rate results in lower borrowing costs.

Understanding Of Used Car Loan Interest Rate in Delhi NCR

Interest Rates 9%* p.a.
Loan Tenure up to 48 months
Eligibility Criteria 21 years
Loan Amount Starting from ₹1 lakh

A percentage applied to the loan amount you have borrowed is known as the interest rate. It is an additional charge made by the lender above the principle amount of the loan. The loan amount, interest rate, and loan term all affect your Equated Monthly Instalment (EMI). Understanding the used car loan interest rate in Delhi is crucial for making informed financial decisions. Interest rates for used car loans might change depending on a number of variables, such as the lender’s rules, the borrower’s credit history, the age and condition of the vehicle, and the length of the loan. Because financing older automobiles has a higher risk, used car loans typically have somewhat higher interest rates than new car loans. However, finding the best used car loan rates is possible by thoroughly comparing different lenders. Borrowers with higher credit scores can often secure low interest rate used car loans, while those with lower scores may face higher rates. Understanding these aspects can empower borrowers to manage their finances better and make well-informed decisions when seeking a used vehicle loan in Delhi. 

Used Car Loan In Delhi NCR GOOGLE Rating

Eligibility to get Used Car Loan Interest Rate

Individuals interested in obtaining a Used Car Loan, specific criteria must meet the requirements. This option is available to both salaried and self-employed individuals. The eligibility requirements are as follows for used car loan in Delhi NCR:

Income: For salaried individuals, the minimum monthly income needed is Rs 30,000. For those who are self-employed, the required turnover is Rs 40 Lakh for non-professionals and Rs 15 Lakh for professionals, based on their audited financial statements. 

Age: For salaried individuals, the age requirement ranges from 23 to 58 years. Self-employed applicants need to be at least 28 years old, or 25 years if they are doctors, with a maximum age limit of 65 years.

Credit Score: Having a strong credit score plays a crucial role in qualifying for a Used Car Loan. A higher credit score increases your likelihood of securing a loan with more favorable conditions.

Residency Requirement : The applicant must be a current resident of India for used car loan  in Delhi NCR  and provide a valid residential address. Additionally, they should have been residing at their present address for a minimum of one year.

Employment: To qualify, an employed applicant needs to have a minimum of two years of experience in their current job or profession. For self-employed individuals, their business should have been operational for at least five years. However, doctors only need to have been practicing for three years.

Document requirement for used car loan interest rate

Self Employed
  • Pan card
  • Latest 6 months Bank statement
  • Aadhar card
  • RC/Insurance (which car you purchase) Salaried Person
  • Pan card
  • Photo
  • Last 2 years ITR with competition
  • Recent E bill (Owned house)
  • GST
Salaried Person
  • Pan card
  • Latest 6 months Bank statement
  • Aadhar card
  • RC/Insurance (which car you purchase)
  • Photo
  • Recent E bill (Owned house)
  • Photo
  • Form 16 part A or B
  • Recent 3 months salary slip

Most lenders will only lend up to 80% to 90% of the car’s on-road costs for used cars. Depending on the make and model of your chosen vehicle, the used car loan interest rate can vary. Your pay is another factor that determines how much of the total loan amount you qualify for. To secure the best used car loan rates, it’s important to meet a minimum income threshold, which many banks require for loan approval. If you’re looking for a low-interest rate used car loan, ensure that your finances are in good order before applying.

The used car loan interest rate typically starts at 9%* per annum, depending on various factors such as the car’s age, make, and model. This rate can influence the overall cost of your loan, so it’s essential to compare offers to find the best used car loan rates. If you’re aiming for a low-interest rate used car loan, consider your credit score and income stability, as these will impact the interest rate you’re offered. A used car loan with a lower interest rate can significantly reduce your monthly payments and the total cost of the loan.

The lowest interest rate for a used car loan can vary depending on factors such as the lender, your credit score, the car’s age and condition, and your income. As of recent data, some lenders offer used car loan interest rates starting around 5% to 8% per annum for borrowers with excellent credit. 

Depending on your eligibility and other factors, a lender can offer up to 80% of the valuation of the 4-wheeler as second hand car finance. Most lenders offer such loans for up to 5 years. 

The amount you can get for a used car loan depends on several factors, including your creditworthiness, the lender’s policies, and the age and value of the used car. Many lenders offer 80-100% financing for used car loans, making it easier for you to purchase a vehicle without a large upfront payment. When searching for the best used car loan rates, it’s important to compare offers to find a low-interest rate used car loan that fits your budget. 

Yes, a CIBIL defaulter can still apply for a used car loan, although getting approval from traditional banks might be challenging. Banks typically require a good credit score to approve loans, including used car loans, as they want to minimize their risk. However, there are alternative options for CIBIL defaulters, such as loan aggregators or non-banking financial companies (NBFCs), which might be more lenient with their approval criteria.

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